Mobile Learning – Begriff, Modelle, Forschung


  • Regina Parzl Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
  • Maria Bannert Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg


Lehr-Lernforschung, Mediendidaktik, Mobile Learning, e-learning, educational media, formal education, formelle Bildung, learning and teaching Research, media didactics, media education


This overview focuses Mobile Learning (M-Learning) from an educational point of view. M-Learning, which found its way into different educational contexts since the middle of the 1990s, is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field. It is dynamic because of the rapid development of information and communication technology and the partly huge resulting changings. It is interdisciplinary because mobile technology and learning concern different scientific disciplines. Different points of view and the field´s complexity are major reasons for missing a consistent definition of the term M-Learning. This paper aims to show the current state of the art in research from an educational point of view. Therefore at first it shows important components of the term M-Learning. Afterwards important didactic models and theories will be introduced and commented. Based on this theoretical background the paper shows a frame that pitches starting points for educational research. Finally, corresponding research is introduced in order to present the current state of the art. By doing so the prospective need of educational research in the M-Learning field shall be demonstrated.




