Integriertes Informationsmanagement für Bildungseinrichtungen
Ausstattung, Bildungseinrichtung, CMS, CampusSource Engine, EDV-Infrastruktur, Entwurfsprozess Lernen, Flow-Analyse, HIS-Software, Informationsmanagement, LCMS, LMS, Nachhaltigkeit von Inhaltsentwicklungen, OpenFUXML, ROI reusable object and instruction, Redaktionssystem, USA-Deutschland, controlling, courseware, data interchange, desktop publishing, didaktische Methodik, didaktischer Entwurf, document server, e-learning, e-learning application, e-learning-systems, higher education administration, learning management system, open source, programming interfaceAbstract
The CampusSource Workshop took place between October 10th and 12th at the Westphalian Wilhelms University (WWU) of Münster. Main issues of conference were the development of an e-Learning engine to connect e-Learning applications with the administration systems of the HIS GmbH (ltd) and the creation of learning content with the objective of reuse. In the second chapter one find presentations of the event in the Adobe Flash format. To view the presentations the Adobe Flash Player, at least in version 6, is required.Downloads