The Project TOERN - Unlocking the Potential of Open Educational Resources on the German “(digital) networked infrastructure for education”
Digitale Vernetzungsinfrastruktur für die Bildung, Further Education, Hochschulbildung, Internationalisierung von OER, OER Repositorium twillo, OER Searchindex OERSI, OER Suchindex OERSI, Open Educational Resources, Semantification of OER, Semantifizierung von OER, TOERN Projekt, Weiterbildung, digital skills, digitale Kompetenzen, e-learning, internationalization of OER, (digital) networked infrastructure for educationAbstract
The (digital) networked infrastructure for education aims to bundle digital education offerings and expand them with additional functionalities and services to create a nationwide teaching-learning infrastructure, in order to enable users to access lifelong education in a personalized and self-organized way. Due to this, the infrastructure holds great potential for the establishment and dissemination of Open Educational Resources (OER) for all of Germany's educational sectors. The main objective of the project TOERN is to connect the OER repository for higher education and the central OER search index OERSI to the (digital) networked infrastructure for education. For this purpose, these OER infrastructures will be further developed in a user-centered way and made internationally connectable. In addition, the project focuses on the development of a digital modular learning program on technical aspects of OER creation, which will be connected to the (digital) networked infrastructure for education via a badge system.Published