Special Edition 2023

					View Special Edition 2023
In the fall of 2023, the Go-live of the "Closed Beta" will provide the first glimpse of the (digital) networked infrastructure for education. At the same time, this special issue provides insight into the underlying concepts and contributions from the perspective of selected projects in the funding line.
Im Herbst 2023 wird mit der Veröffentlichung der „Closed Beta“ erstmal ein Blick auf die digitale Vernetzungsinfrastruktur für die Bildung möglich. Diese Sonderausgabe eröffnet zeitgleich Einsicht in die dahinterstehenden Konzepte und Beiträge aus der Perspektive ausgewählter Projekte der Förderlinie.

Opening Message

Welcome to our special issue on the perspectives of science and practice on the current networked infrastructure for education in Germany. In the fall of 2023, the Go-live of the "Closed Beta" will provide a first look at the (digital) networked infrastructure for education. This special issue simultaneously opens up insight into the underlying concepts and contributions from the perspective of selected projects in the funding line. Empirical foundations are illuminated, the competencies of learners and opportunities for collaboration are examined, and key aspects such as networking and internationalization are addressed. Quality development is also not to be missed in articles on this exciting large-scale project. We hope you will enjoy reading the articles.

Ulrike Lucke, Arno Wilhelm-Weidner, Alexander Knoth
Guest Editors, eleed

Published: 2023-10-24
